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Thursday, September 10, 2015


The current Projects is Renovating Football field, building  a new volleyball field and basketball field

Three students from our partiner school Mattis, Rieke and Johanes are the one doing this good job together with GTc students and other students who are not the member of the club, Soon you will see photo

Students Photos when Getting Breakfast During Bagamoyo Study Tour Safari

Students  listening from tour guide and taking notes for preparing a presentation to their fellow students who did not went for the tour

Magazine zone


The international project on environment conservation known as WASTE WALK is a group of people from Germany that moves to different places educating and influencing people on nature conservation. Their movement in Africa began on the  04.08.2015  in Moshi, Tanzania and arrived at Mbonea in Dar-es-salaam on 04.09.2015.

Through their discussions with the students from Mbonea High School, the members from the WASTE WALK explained that their main aim is to build a better and suitable recycling system in Tanzania. They also influenced the students on conservation of nature by elaborating on the effects of pollutants especially plastic materials.

 “Germany has a better recycling system compared to the one in Tanzania but also has a larger quantity of plastic usage,factories and more machines which also pollute the environment.”said one of the member from WASTE WALK. The actual difference is that most European and developed countries like Germany, there is a lot of social pressure against littering in the environment while in Tanzania, there is no such pressure against improper waste disposal.

The WASTE WALK  encouraged the students to provide education to other people who are not yet educated on the importance of nature.They also advised on reduction of the use of plastic materials.

 The German Tanzanian Club has created different projects in which the students will get to do different activities which involve,creating a school magazine,speech writing, photography,environmental conservation and so on.

The club has created its own magazine which will display news not only from inside the school but also from outside the school in order to inform the students about different events that happen inside and outside.

Speech writing involves composing speeches which will eventually be read in front of the students .The aim of this is to be able to improve English speaking in the school. It will also help in improving the student’s confidence as they deliver the speech in front of the school.

Photography will enable the students to take picture which will enable the German  Tanzanian club to generate income. The project on environmental conservation involves collecting mainly plastic waste in order to properly recycle them in the recycling company.

The club also offers chances for students who are interested to join the German Tanzanian club by undertaking the speech interview.

The form two students are expecting to begin Mock exams on Monday on 07.09.2015 The other students from form 1,3and 4 are also going to start their examinations of Mid-term on Thursday 10.09.2015.The GTC NEWS  wishes the best  to all students who will pass with flying colours.

 Finally the school will close on 18.09.2015. and will open on 28.09.2015.where by the students will prepare for the form 4 graduation which will be on 10.10.2015.

THE GTC NEWS    07.10.2015
            The school opened on 27.09.2015 for the boarding scholars and 28.09.2015 for the day scholars. Apart from the form 4 and Pre-form one students, the form 3, form2 and form1 students left the school for the short holiday which begun on 18.08.2015. However, most of the students have reported to school until now.
              On 3.10.2015, there was a graduation ceremony for both the CASFETA and UKWATA form four students. The form 4 graduates were awarded with different certificates before the guest of honor and their fellow students. Moreover, prayers were conducted for all the form 4 students and soon after prayers; the students joyfully celebrated and congratulated their fellows for graduating.
             As expected, the school graduation will be conducted on 10.10.2015 in which various preparations are in progress the coming big event. All students have been encouraged to practice for what they will present on that day. The form four are ceaselessly rehearsing for the graduation since they have a couple of things to represent such as exhibitions, presentations poems and songs as well as speeches.
           On that day parents, guardians and all the guests invited will be able to see what the students have planned for them for the occasion.


           The form 4four students are nearly approaching their national examination which is about 20 days away. They are advised to make thorough revision and proper preparation for the national examination commence on 2 November 2015. Also Students from different forms are also advised  to prepare well for their final examinations so as the get to another class with best average

          The GTC members have decided to choose and elect new leaders since the past leaders have to step out and leave their chances to other people. Also during the election they elected a person with the following characteristic he or she must be good in interacting with others and also he or she must have good academic records and he or she must be intelligent and obedient. So those were some few considerations that were stepped forward. Also the members believe that this new government that has been elected by the members of GTC it will bring development inside and outside of the club.
         It has been five years since the Tanzania had it last general election in which it was conducted in October 2010. Also has its known every after five year Tanzania must conduct general election since a leader must not exceed ten years leading a country and in Tanzania it has been already ten years since it has been ruled by the person for ten years so this election must be conducted on 25 October 2015 so as to get a new leader. The Tanzanians expect a lot of changes due to the new government that will be arising soon. 
         The form two students are nearly approaching their national examination which us about 18 days away. Direct after the form four are done with there paper the form two  are going to begin there exams right away so the form two students are advised to have a serious revision since they have remain with some few days. The examination will start on 16 of November.

Elephants form deep family bond and live in tight matriarchal family groups of related families called herbs. The herb is led by the oldest and often largest female in the herb called matrich. Herb consist of 8-100 individuals depending on terrain and family size. When a calf is born it is raised and protected by a whole matriarchal herb. Males leave the family unit between the ages of 12-15 and may lead solitary lives or live temporary with other males. Elephant are really intelligent animals and have memories that serve matriarchs well during dry seasons when they needed to guide their herbs sometimes for ten of miles to watering holes that they remember from the past. They also display signs of joy, anger, and play also grief. Recently discoveries have shown the elephants can communicate over long distance by producing a sub-sonic rumble that can travel over the ground faster than sound through air. Other elephants receive the message through a sensitivity skin on their feet and trunks. It is believed that this is how potential mates and social groups communicate. Elephant’s diet is grasses, leaves, bamboo, barks, and roots. Also they eat crops like banana, sugarcane, which were grown by farmers. Adult’s elephants eat 300-400 lbs food per day. Also the elephants reproduction system is that mating season, this is mostly during the rainy season its gestation period it takes 22 months and its little size is 1 calf unfortunately if they are twins it usually happen rarely. Also the calves weight between 200-250 lbs at birth. At birth a calf has no muscles  at all therefore it will suckle through its mouth. It takes several months for a calf to remain full control of a trunk. In population at the turn of 20 century they were a few millions elephants and about 100,000 Asian elephants today they are estimated elephant 450,000 to 700,000   African elephants and between 35,000 – 40,000 wild Asian elephants. Also the height 5-14 fit at shoulders [male]. Female of all sub spices are smaller than mass. Length up to 30 fit trunk to tail and also weight is 6,000- 15,000 lbs [males]. Life span is up to 70 years. Generally as you read this you have to know that tusks when are hacked off its warm body to fuel an illegal international ivory trade worth millions of dollar. So poachers should reduce to decrease the number of elephants due to tusks. 
A garden caterpillar has 248 muscles in its head.
An elephant can smell water 3 miles away.
A moth has no stomach.      


The mbonea high school is now closing for its final lap since the form two are done with their NECTA.The form three are done with their  TAHOSA and the form one are done with their annual examination. So the school has to be closed so as the students can go on their holiday and prepare for Christmas Eve and also New Year.

The mbonea high school will be opened on 3 January 2016. Since it will be one day after New Year and the lessons will start right away. Also mbonea high school invites new students to the school since the school is good in academics stuff and discipline wise and it has good environmental and all appropriate needs for a student to study and have good education. All visitors are welcomed mbonea high school.

A baby’s camels are born without humps. They are however able to run within hours of birth. They call to their mothers with a lamb like “baa” sound. Mother and child camel pairing are extremely close, staying together for several years.
Camels are herbivorous and are specifically adapted to consume cactus and other thorn plants. Their main food is vegetation such as green grasses, herbs, and leaves.
Naturally camels can be eaten by predators like lions, would typically eat camels as they do other hoofed animals.

Camels are social animals who roam the desert in search of food and water with up to 30 other individuals
Camels have two rows of thick eyelashes to protect their eyes from the desert dust. They are also able to close their nostrils and lips to keep out the dust also camels can drink up to 7 liters of water in a day although he can drink 7 liters but also he is called “ships of the deserts” this is because of their numerous and unique physical traits that enables them to survive in harsh desert climates particularly their ability to consume every little water dehydrating
Also there is a different between Asian camels and Arabian camel. The different is that Asian counties camel have two humps where as Arabian camel have only one hump and also in Arabs cultures the camel symbolize patience, tolerance and also can endure everything. Camels have played such an important role in Arabian culture that there are over 160 words for camel in Arabic Language
Also camel’s ears are small and hairy however their sense of hearing is able extremely strong and also its ears are covered with hair even on the inside. The hair helps to keep out sand or dust that might blow into the animals ears also the color of the body helps them to blend into their environment.
Apart from a camel being able to drink 7litres of water also it can go a week or more without water and can last for several months without food. They drink up to 32galloon or sometimes 46 liters of water at one session of drinking. Since it passes a long time without feeding water.
A camel can store fat into the humps, but it can not store water in its humps. The fat is metabolished for energy. When bunlike most mammals are healthy camel’s body temperature changes throughout the  day from 34 C TO 41.7 C (93 F 107F).This allows the camels to conserve water by not sweating as the environmental temperature rises. It have a thick lips so they can eat the prickly desert plants without feeling pain inside them
Generally a Camel is an animal that survives in desert areas and also can be used as transport

*A great honored Owl has no sense of smell
*A cockroach can survive without a head

Written by GTc Magazine department

Picture explaining the events

German- Tanaznian Students taking breakfast during their safari tour at Mikumi National  Park

Group photo at Mbonea Secondary School

Group photo after tree planting trees

Club visited at Msongolwa Orphanage centre

Msongola Orphanage During Graduation Ceremony

A group of student dancing during Graduation Ceremony

Some Of 2015 of 11 Graduation Ceremony Students

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